Want more abundance? Be grateful for this…

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Many of us have a tradition of sharing what we’re grateful for around the Thanksgiving table. It’s a time when we acknowledge the bounty of what we have – the people we love, our health, our homes, and the food we’re about to share.

Usually when we express our gratitude, we are focusing on what we already have. But you know what? You don’t actually need to have anything to be grateful. Yep, you can just sit still for a moment, close your eyes, and experience gratitude without any pre-conditions.

Which means that you can also be grateful for what you don’t have yet.

This is easier than it sounds. Just think about what you want, and imagine that it is on its way to you now. How will you feel when it arrives? Connect with that experience, and be grateful for that

By being grateful for what you don’t have yet, you shift your perspective from scarcity (I don’t have it yet) to abundance (I trust it is on its way to me and I’m ready to receive it!). This is a powerful technique that you can practice at any time to draw more abundance into your life.

This year, I’m grateful for the work that we do together in our community of entrepreneurs, and I am grateful for the hundreds of people who are on their way to joining us!

Wishing you a joyful, abundant and safe Thanksgiving.

I’m especially grateful this year for the Entrepreneur Accelerator Community Call that we’ve been having every other Wednesday at 1:00 PM EST. They’re free and open to anyone who wants coaching in a supportive community. Join us for the next call! 

Would you benefit from being part of a supportive community of entrepreneurs? 

Register for the FREE Entrepreneur Accelerator live group coaching call now.

Happening every other Wednesday at 1:00 PM EST

Author: Liz Wolfe

Liz Wolfe is a business coach, author, and speaker who coaches entrepreneurs to get unstuck so that they can launch and grow an abundant business. For more than 20 years she has empowered people with her three-part coaching system starting with a clear vision coupled with purposeful Action, and removing hidden barriers to get breakthrough results for her clients. Liz got her entrepreneurial start growing up on a sheep farm in Western Pennsylvania with her mother and two sisters. They built a cottage industry making and selling woolen items, which helped Liz develop her public speaking and selling skills. Later she moved to NYC, where she used those skills to create a successful computer consulting business with her husband, Jon. Eventually she transitioned out of the technology business to apply her experience in a more interpersonal context, helping business owners to develop an abundance mindset. Liz says that one of her greatest accomplishments is staying married to her husband for 25 years while running a business with him. They have two wonderful children. Always eager to get in front of a crowd, Liz also plays the ukulele and is half of the singing duo Ukulicious.

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