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Stuck on sales? Go make an apple pie!

On the farm where I grew up in western PA, we had two large Macintosh apple trees just to the side of the house.

Every year these trees would bloom and then produce prolific amounts of apples, which would fall and scatter over the ground. While some of them were bruised and cracked, others were practically pristine. It was easy to quickly gather a basketful of the fallen fruit. I could also snag the fruit from the low hanging branches.

I stood at our round kitchen table as a young teenager while my mother showed me how to make apple pie (see recipe below). We would peel and slice the apples, spice them up, make and roll out the pie crust, and put it all together with a crumb topping. Later that pie would get bubbly and brown in the oven, and be devoured by all of us sitting around that same table.

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